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Monday, November 2, 2020

MistPlay Rewards For Real Game Play

Rewards For Real Game Play

Mistplay offers loyalty points, used as virtual currency in the Mistplay apps and referred to as “Units”, to Users in exchange for testing, reviewing and/or using the mobile games listed in the App.

Rewards For REAL Gametime:

* Mistplay does not reward for time spent in App but rather for real gametime. Leaving the App open does not constitute gameplay

Users can redeem Units for different rewards offered by Mistplay, such as gift cards, gift certificates, prepaid cash cards or content codes (collectively “Rewards”).

MistPlay And DeskTop/Mobile Device BlackListing

MistPlay And DeskTop/Mobile Device BlackListing

Fraudulent Activity And The IRS 

Any User activity that uses a VPN, proxy or Bot will be considered as fraudulent activity and will be blocked by our fraud prevention system.

The use of a VPN, proxy or Bot can cause your device to be permanently blacklisted and your User account to be either suspended or terminated.

Mistplay reserves the right to indefinitely ban any user found to be using a rooted device or any device for which the user has been granted root access or privileged control. Rooted devices are not supported devices and may at any time be blocked from us.

Mistplay reserves the right to reject any gift card purchase request issued from an account associated with a rooted device, or from any account banned for fraudulent activity.

* Mistplay reserves the right to indefinitely ban any user found to be accessing the application through an emulator of any kind, regardless of the platform on which the emulator is being used

* Mistplay reserves the right to ban any account associated with software that can be used to modify games, or software that can unlock in-game content for free that would otherwise need to be purchased

* Mistplay reserves the right to ban any account that appears to be using the app fraudulently. This includes but is not limited to users with privileged control over their devices, users with suspicious third-party firmware on their device, users manipulating their IP address, users using software that makes them appear active when they are idle, users accessing the app from an emulator of any kind, or any user attempting to fraudulently earn units through any means other than playing games.

** It is prohibited to access the Mistplay application on any device other than an Android mobile phone or tablet and doing so can result in an account ban or rejection of an order